Expansion: Push and Pull and all those in between
Expanding, contracting and feeling all those in between.
Laughing and crying and feeling hope and fearing what the next day will bring.
and feeling far
and apart
but close together
and in tact.
And oh all those hours and days and weeks
and contracting
and expanding
and moving around
but staying still.
obsessing over and forgetting a bit.
feeling happy, being numb.
Listening to others and keeping my own mind.
And rushing and trying and forcing and releasing.
Building up and failing and rushing and explaining.
And letting go and floating and calming and sleeping.
and walking
step step step.
uncertain of what the mouth will bring.
And releasing in the embrace
and smiling and laughing and being overwhelmed.
feeling at home in peace and remembering those days.
and breathing out
the expansion has led to a contraction of two
that has stretched out so far but still survived them all.
Central Saint Martins Open Studios
March 2023